CVs and UK: mistake. Someone told
me that my European standard CV wasn’t suitable for United Kingdom. That was really a bad news. So, I had to write
afresh a new curriculum. I goggled to collect as more information as I could
about this new standard but I didn’t find anything really official. Finding
common aspects among different models, I started it. But, it wasn't so easy as I
thought it was. At the top of the blank
page I just wrote: “Curriculum Vitae”, than a guide that I downloaded showed me
that I shouldn't So, I just wrote my name. And after e-mail address and my Italian
cell phone number. Now, the trouble started.
Too much space to fill in. CVs for UK should have “Key Skills” and “Profile” sections. I really didn't know what to write in. Every guide I read proposed to use an original template:
it was already hard to outline it that I was almost to give it up. But I resisted
and I just decided to fill as better I could this blank page: after it I’ll
take care of the rest. That part of the work was very funny: finding right
sentences, associating words and
summarising information. In my opinion, I did a good work. Changes will be put
tomorrow: I believe a new mind will fix any problems.
Friends night. I stood up from the chair and got dressed: it was time to go out and met
all my Krav Maga friends. That was an amazing dinner and night: it always very
pleasant to know people that before were just training partners. I’ve always loved this kind of way to stay
together. And as always it ended very late: travel talking usually last very
long. Every word, suggest, idea I received enrich me.
Now, I’m even more enthusiastic to start this trip. Of course, there will be
difficulties but I kwon I can overcome them.
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