3 November 2012

11 Days to London: Last Things to Buy

Waking up early is my Achilles' heel. It's more than a wish, but it's for me to realize. Every night I plan to get up early and do a lot of things, but invariably in the morning I'm too sleepy to open my eyes and I snooze my alarm until exasperation. In fact, I have the innate ability of being able to hit "snooze" button without rising out of unconsciousness. Even after going through the whole to search and turn off the alarm, I usually go back to bed. I tried many different methods, but I can't still succeed.  

Today, after snoozing many times my alarm clock, I stopped it by mistake. But I wake up just in time. Washed and dressed in seven minutes, I had a very short time to arrive to medical laboratory before closing. Fortunately, I did arrive in time to do my blood test. Probably no one knows that I have a terrible fear of needles, so the doctor preferred to lie me down on the couch and I survive it.

And after it, I went shopping to relief myself. It was my lucky day: I found a beautiful pair of black jeans in the first shop where I went in. Anyway, my shopping phase was pretty fast: I just bought a neck warmer, a pack of bed sheets and some pharmacy stuff. Only few things to delete last names on my to-buy-list. But I still need an Italian coffee maker (how can I drop it?) and a travel hair-dryer (even if I shaved my hair). Hope to find very cheap items. 

I'm almost ready to pack my suitcase, but it's still too early. Should I start? Maybe at the beginning of the next week. The problem is that I have only 30 kg. to fill up. Will the space be enough? You'll discover it in the next episodes!

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